
                 THE LAND OF BEAUTY.

Over the last year , I have travelled Pakistan far and wide . North to South , and East to West . But i am not here to talk about myself today . Today , I am here to talk about what I have seen of Pakistan and what I believe the future of Pakistan's tourism can be . Most of the people chuckle when i tell them this . But it's really no joke . I believe that Pakistan can be the world's number 1 tourism destination. It really can . Let me give you a few arguments as to why I think so . 
Starting with the mountains of Pakistan.
One of the greatest assets that nature has bestowed on this country . Beyond the current resorts of  Malam Jabba and Naltar , Why can't ski resorts dot the peaks of these mountains ? And beyond that looking at the beautiful landscapes of Skardu , Hunza and Swat , Why can't Pakistan become the next Bhutan or Nepal ? With mountaineering and mountain trekking infrastructures . With 8 out of the world's 20 tallest mountains , this should be the epicentre of  world's trekking , adventure and mountain tourism . And the mountains of south , the Hingol national park in Balochistan . Why can't this become the next Grand Canyon? Just imagine tourist trekking , hiking and camping among those beautiful nature-made structures . And while we are in Balochistan , how can we forget about the beaches ? The entire coast of the Arabian Sea , with the right attitude and vision , could become one of the world's prime beach destinations for all seasons . Imagine five-star resorts , private islands and beach shacks lining this beautiful coastline . Because , after all , isn't it beautiful ? And isn't it possible . 
Next coming towards the culture and the arts.
Both Sindh and the capital of culture , Lahore , have so much to offer . The craftsmanship and artistry and handicrafts are unlike anywhere else in the world . This could be Pakistan's prime export . And imagine thousands , hundreds of thousands of tourists bringing bits of Pakistan with them , back home to share with their communities . 
Religious Tourism .
Pakistan has such an incredible Islamic heritage . The Sufi trail of Sindh can appeal not just to Muslim tourists , but any tourists interested in history and culture . Pakistan also happens to be the birthplace of Sikhism , and the travels of Guru Nanak . It's also home to some of the most important Hindu sites in the world . As well as Buddhist stupas, and the remains of a rich Buddhist heritage .
History . 
Why don't more people around the world know that Pakistan is where the world's oldest civilisation , the Indus Valley Civilisation , was found? Why can't Makli Necropolis , Ranikot fort or Mohenjo Daro become the next Machu Picchu or Angkor Wat ? What exactly is preventing Pakistan from becoming the world's top destination for history buffs ?
Food .
Not forgetting about the food , Pakistan has such a rich culture of food and cuisines and their diversity from province to province is just astonishing . Take Lahore & Karachi . Where are the Michelin-starred restaurants ? Why can't these places become some of the world's top culinary hub for foodie tourism
It's going to take so much time , effort , dedication and investment to bring this vision into reality . But I know the gifts that Pakistan has been blessed with are endless .

                PAKISTAN ZINDABAD.


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